How to Look Great in Photos for Life’s Biggest Moments
Have you ever scrolled through a star’s social media feed and wondered, “How can these fitness models, celebrities, and world traveling bloggers possibly look so perfect all the time?” Your life is also full of exciting and memorable moments worth capturing, but you never feel quite photo ready.
Part of their secret is working with a professional photographer, using photo editing apps, and taking plenty of time to stage shots with optimal lighting.But when it comes to staying in shape despite their chaotic, jet setting lifestyle they have a few other tricks up their sleeves, too.
Whether you’re planning a lavish vacation, preparing to walk down the aisle, or just want a confidence booster, we’ve collected a few helpful resources to help you tackle your trouble spots and look great in photos:
Bridal Body Countdown
Everyone wants to look their best on their wedding day, and it’s with good reason. Not only will you be the center of attention and surrounded by dozens of your loved ones, but you’ll be looking at your wedding photos for the rest of your life. Whether you have several months to prepare or your nuptials are mere weeks away, here are a few tips for looking great on your wedding day.
Dress to Impress on a First Date
While your confidence has grown exponentially since your first first date, you still can’t seem to escape the butterflies when it comes to sharing an evening out with someone new. So how can you make sure you look and feel your best on a first date? This blog shares helpful tips to beat the jitters and make an awesome impression (and look great in a few pre-date selfies, too).
Take a Few Minutes for a Healthier You
It seems like life is whizzing past you at breakneck speeds. Each day is so jam packed, you hardly have time to take a breath, let alone start a fitness class or commit to a new diet. But while it seems counter-intuitive, taking a few minutes for yourself whether that means going for a light walk, doing yoga, or finding another enjoyable activity can minimize stress and make life more fulfilling. That, in turn, helps you look your best and photo ready.
How to Get Sculpted Like a Celebrity
Baby bump one day, flat abs the next. Sometimes it seems like celebrities have discovered some sort of magical solution to eliminate unwanted weight. While they might live a bit differently, they’re still only human. We uncovered a few secrets the stars use to make sure they’re always looking toned and healthy. Check out this blog post to learn how to get a celebrity body, without having to dodge the paparazzi.
Committing to a healthy diet and regular exercise will help you achieve results, but sometimes it’s not enough to eliminate the stubborn fat you’ve noticed creeping into problem areas (like your waistline and double chin) every time you look at your favorite photos. If that’s the case, SculpSure ® body contouring technology may be the solution for you. This system destroys fat cells in your problem areas for good. Best of all, each session only lasts 25 minutes and there’s no downtime. In other words, it’s the perfect option for busy people like you who want to look great in photos without waiting months for results. Life is chaotic, hectic, and often stressful. With all the day-to-day craziness, you deserve to carve out time for yourself and get the slim, toned figure you want to show off on social media, no matter which path you choose to get there.