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Amber Health Care for Women

At Amber Health Care for Women we are committed to empowering women by educating them about their health. We believe in individualized care and one-on-one communication.

Amber Health Care is the first in Shasta County to offer SculpSure: the only FDA cleared, non-invasive, body-contouring laser that permanently destroys treated fat cells! Just a 25 minute office treatment with no down-time.

Dr. Serr on SculpSure:
"I started doing SculpSure because so many of my patients, especially women over 40, have problems losing those last few inches despite diet and exercise. This procedure cost only about 1/10th that of traditional liposuction. You don't have to have surgery to permanently destroy treated fat cells."

Our practice provides many specialized services:
- SculpSure: a non-invasive body contouring laser that permanently destroys treated fat cells! The perfect solution to stubborn love handles and tummy pouches.
- Pregnancy
- Gynecology
- Hormone replacement therapy

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Our Providers

Cheryl Serr, MD

Dr. Serr is a board certified OB-GYN, FACOG. She is a clinical associate professor at UC Davis. She graduated with Phi-Beta-Kappa honors from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. She graduated with honors from the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine. She completed her internship at LAC-USC Women and Children’s Hospital, and her residency at the University of Texas, San Antonio. Dr. Serr was raised in Puerto Rico and is fluent in both English and Spanish. She has been happily married for over twenty eight years and is the mother of four children. She has been caring for the women of Shasta County for over 17 years.


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SculpSure is an FDA cleared device that reduces the number of fat cells in specific areas. Find your provider today!